Search Results for: uk control order

On Tuesday His Majesty King Charles III took part in The State Opening of Parliament,  a ceremonial event that marks the formal beginning of a new parliamentary session. It is a significant constitutional event in the United Kingdom, involving the monarch, Members of Parliament, and other dignitaries. During the State Opening, the reigning monarch delivers [...]


Why do coups d’état happen? Is it that bad leadership pushes people to their boiling points, compelling them to take matters into their own hands? Or is it a lack of adequate preventative laws? Do external factors play a role? And in Africa specifically, how much of an impact does history tend to have? Moreover, [...]


The Israel-Palestine conflict, which has deep historical, political, and religious roots, has sparked protests worldwide. The conflict has a deep historical ties to the establishment of Israel in 1948 and the displacement of Palestinians. It revolves around competing claims over land, particularly in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. Both sides are driven [...]


Multiple human rights experts expressed concern on Thursday against measures Europe has used to silence climate activists. including mass arrests, long sentences and new laws that restrict the right to protest. Many countries in Europe, such as Germany, France and Italy, have issued multiple crackdowns on protest groups, including giving the police more powers to [...]


American author Edward Bellamy once described history as a cyclical process that “returned to the point of beginning”, claiming “the idea of indefinite progress in a right line was a chimera of the imagination, with no analog in nature.” Unfortunately, this perfectly encapsulates the current state of affairs in Pakistan. Politics in Pakistan seem to [...]